My child wants to learn karate!

Start by filling in the form

(The form is in Swedish, come to the dojo and we can help you fill it in)

Check out our schedule and find the right age group!

How much does it cost?

For beginners the first two sessions are free, after that:

Training fee (twice per year) is 750kr for ages 8-14 and 400kr for ages 6-7

Membership fee 150kr (once per year) for all members, regardless of age

You will recieve payment instructions by e-mail

Do we need to buy any equipment?

No, beginners can train in regular training clothes.

At the end of the term a gi is required.

We don’t wear shoes during sessions.

How old does my child have to be to start?

We do sessions for children from the year they turn 6.

Information for beginner children