I want to learn karate!

Adult (+15 years) beginners classes are Mondays at 18.00 and Thursdays at 19.30

You can find the schedule here!


How much does it cost to train at Enso?

Your first two sessions are free, after that:

Training fee - 1500kr (twice per year) and membership fee - 150kr (once per year)

To become a member you need to fill in the form

(The form is in Swedish, if you come to the dojo we can help you fill it in)

You will recieve payment instructions by e-mail

Do I need any equipment?

No, beginners can train in regular training clothes. But to be able to grade at the end of the term a gi is required.

We don’t wear shoes during sessions

The season has already started, is it too late for me?

No, you are most welcome!

I don’t know the first thing about karate...

Perfect, you’ve come to the right place!

Am I too old for karate?


I’m in pretty bad shape, I can’t do a single pushup and I have the flexibility of a refridgerator…

That’s why you should do karate!

Information for adult beginners